Call us Now ,Best Paralegal for Landlord & Tenant, Small Claim . Traffic Ticket, Immigration & Refugee , Notary

RioLaw Legal Services

Author name: admin

🚨 Important Announcement: Beware of Scammers! 🚨 Attention to our valued clients and community! We want to inform you about a fraudulent law firm operating under the name "Rio Law Inc". This company is attempting to deceive clients by closely mimicking our name, RIO LAW LEGAL SERVICES, located in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Here are some critical points to note: Unverified Operations: They lack proper listings on the Law Society of Ontario and their website appears unprofessional and unrefined. Suspicious Activity: Numerous victims have reported issues, including unresponsive communication after payment. Fake Claims: They falsely advertise themselves as reputable lawyers and misrepresent their achievements. ⚠️ Please remember: We do not have any affiliation with Rio Law Inc, and we urge all clients to come to our office in person for any retainer agreements or legal inquiries. Your safety and legal well-being are our top priority! For further information or concerns, please reach out directly at our official number: (647) 948-8989. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from scams!


🚨 Important Announcement: Beware of Scammers! 🚨 Attention to our valued clients and community! We want to inform you about a fraudulent law firm operating under the name "Rio Law Inc". This company is attempting to deceive clients by closely mimicking our name, RIO LAW LEGAL SERVICES, located in Richmond Hill, Ontario. Here are some critical points to note: Unverified Operations: They lack proper listings on the Law Society of Ontario and their website appears unprofessional and unrefined. Suspicious Activity: Numerous victims have reported issues, including unresponsive communication after payment. Fake Claims: They falsely advertise themselves as reputable lawyers and misrepresent their achievements. ⚠️ Please remember: We do not have any affiliation with Rio Law Inc, and we urge all clients to come to our office in person for any retainer agreements or legal inquiries. Your safety and legal well-being are our top priority! For further information or concerns, please reach out directly at our official number: (647) 948-8989. Stay vigilant and protect yourself from scams!

🚨 Important: Beware of Scammers! 🚨

🚨 Important Announcement: Beware of Scammers! 🚨
Attention to our valued clients and community!

We want to inform you about a fraudulent law firm operating under the name “Rio Law Inc”. This company is attempting to deceive clients by closely mimicking our name, RIO LAW LEGAL SERVICES, located in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Here are some critical points to note:

Unverified Operations: They lack proper listings on the Law Society of Ontario and their website appears unprofessional and unrefined.
Suspicious Activity: Numerous victims have reported issues, including unresponsive communication after payment.
Fake Claims: They falsely advertise themselves as reputable lawyers and misrepresent their achievements.
⚠️ Please remember: We do not have any affiliation with Rio Law Inc, and we urge all clients to come to our office in person for any retainer agreements or legal inquiries. Your safety and legal well-being are our top priority!

For further information or concerns, please reach out directly at our official number: (647) 948-8989.

Stay vigilant and protect yourself from scams!


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Apply for Permanent Residence (PR)

legal services & Notary public

Permanent Residence

How to Apply for PR Card

Applying for permanent residence (PR) in Canada is only possible if your claim is approved by the IRB-RAD or IRB-RPD.

You can apply online using the Permanent Residence Portal or send forms by mail or courier. Ask a legal representative to look at your PR application before sending it to IRCC. If you do not have a legal representative, contact a local settlement agency for help finding one.

Looking for advice?

Do You Need HELP

***Prepare the documents***
Our extremely high success rate;
Be next Happy client

High Success rate; means that anyone, including you, could be our next satisfied client who relies on our good reputation to achieve the best possible result. We only accept legitimate cases because we do not want to waste time and damage our reputation. We know court procedures and enforcement, so why not use our knowledge and experience? work with professionals for a reasonable and affordable fee. to protect your rights.

Prepare the documents

Generic Application Form for Canada
Additional Dependents / Declaration
Schedule 14 – Protected Persons and Convention Refugees
Schedule A – Background/Declaration
Additional Family Information
Use of a Representative
Copy of the Notice of Decision giving you Convention Refugee or Protected Person status in Canada
  • Copy of the Notice of Decision giving you Convention Refugee or Protected Person status in Canada
Two photos (passport size)
  • Two photos (passport size)
Photocopies of your identity documents that were taken from you:

Photocopies of your identity documents that were taken from you:

  • passport (even if it is expired), 
  • travel documents,
  • translated birth certificate, and
  • other identity documents.



If you have dependants inside or outside Canada, you must fill out a separate set of forms for them. You must prepare:

Generic Application Form for Canada
Schedule 14 – Protected Persons and Convention Refugees
Schedule A – Background/Declaration
Additional Family Information
Use of a Representative
Copy of the Notice of Decision giving you Convention Refugee or Protected Person status in Canada
  • Copy of the Notice of Decision giving you Convention Refugee or Protected Person status in Canada
Two photos (passport size)
  • Two photos (passport size)
Photocopies of your identity documents that were taken from you:

Photocopies of your identity documents that were taken from you:

  • passport (even if it is expired), 
  • travel documents,
  • translated birth certificate, and
  • other identity documents.


relationship Proofs
  • Photocopies of documents that prove their relationship to you, such as birth certificates, marriage certificates, or common-law declaration (Form 5409)

You must update IRCC with the names of a spouse or any dependent family members you have gained since you arrived in Canada.

Your child’s age on the date you made your refugee claim is “locked in.” This means if they turn 23 years old years old before you get PR status, it does not matter. Talk to a legal representative if you are not sure about the date.

You may not know where some family members are, but you can list them in your application. They will have one year from the day you get PR to apply for it themselves. Only someone who IRCC considers a family member can do this, not a de facto family member. Talk to a lawyer if you have family members who are de facto family members.

Translate documents
English & French are official Languages of Canada

Any document (including any stamps and seals) that is not in English or French, you must send in:

  • The English or French translation. See the IRCC website to follow their requirements to translate documents.
  • If you cannot get a certified translator for your identification documents, you can use a non-certified translator. You need:
    • an affidavit from the person who did the translation, and
    • a certified copy of the original document. It must be certified in Canada by a notary public, a commissioner of oaths, or a commissioner for taking affidavits.


An affidavit for a translation is a document that states that the translation is an accurate version of the original. The translator swears this in front of a professional who can take oaths in the country where they live. The person must speak English or French well in order to take the oath.

Who can prepare an affidavit?

In Canada:

  • a notary public
  • a commissioner of oaths
  • a commissioner for taking affidavits

Outside Canada:

You or any of your family members cannot do the affidavit. Even a member of your family who is a lawyer, notary public, or certified translator is not allowed to prepare your affidavit. (This includes a parent, guardian, sibling, spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner, grandparent, child, aunt, uncle, niece, nephew and first cousin.)

Pay Fee

You must pay a fee when you apply for PR for yourself and for any family members. You pay all fees online. To pay your fees, you need:

  • An email address to set up a login and password,
  • Access to a printer (to print the receipt), and
  • A credit card, Debit MasterCard® or Visa® Debit card.

When you are ready to pay:

  • Go to Online Payment.
  • Follow the instructions.
    • At the end, click on the button to print the IRCC official receipt with a barcode. Print two copies.
    • Save a copy on your computer.
    • Email yourself a copy.
    • Attach a printed copy of this receipt to your application.
    • Keep the other copies of the receipt for your records.
We are honored to have fulfilled top-notch legal services,  including but not limited to:

Our expert paralegal services are available throughout Ontario. No place is too far away. Toronto, Richmond Hill, Oshawa, Milton, Aurora, Stouffville, Thornhill, Vaughan, Brantford, London, Hamilton, Newmarket, Barrie, Mississauga, Brampton, and many other jurisdictions are among the Ontario jurisdictions in which the firm operates.

best lawyer and affordable fee for win your court guarantee the result be a winner in court for your tenancy, small claim court or traffic ticket Call us Now 🔴 Landlord & Tenant 🔴 Small Claim 🔴 Traffic Ticket 🔴 Immigration & Refugee 🔴_Notary & Commissioner 🔴BEST PARALEGAL

Apply for Permanent Residence (PR) Read More »

Traffic Ticket best paralegal dismiss drop demerit point



Speeding Ticket? Don`t Panic! Our Paralegals are here to HELP.

A SPEEDING TRAFFIC TICKET is more than just a challenging trouble or just a violation of Highway Traffic Act in Ontario; it is a serious legal matter that can result in large fines, demerit points, and higher insurance premiums. Understanding the complicated nature of speeding tickets and laws is critical  in order to better drive in highway rules and traffic law. our PARALEGAL are here to help you more

Speeding ticket; paralegal; demerit point

A brief Overview

Speeding Violation

The Highway Traffic Act creates Ontario Traffic tickets, which are considered Provincial offenses. Traffic tickets in Ontario lead to a monetary fine and, depending on the type of ticket, demerit points by The Ministry of Transportation.

The following are examples of hidden consequences related to traffic and speeding tickets that the police and courts are not obligated to reveal to you:

Reveal more about Speeding Tickets
  • Tickets increase your insurance premiums.
  • Demerit points are granted for infractions on traffic tickets and HOA offenses.
  • Some traffic tickets result in license suspensions, particularly for drivers in classes G1 and G2. after licence suspensions
  • charge a $281 dollar licence reinstatement fee (this amount is or 2023 and will increase in future):

In addition to a fine, traffic tickets carry other consequences that may follow you for years. If you pay the ticket, it will appear on your insurance and driving record for three (3) years.

Speeding Fines and Penalties

Fines for speeding in Ontario are not set at a flat rate. Rather, they incrementally increase depending on how much you exceed the speed limit. For speeds 1-19 km/h over the limit, fines are set at $3 per km. This escalates to $4.5 per km for 20-29 km/h over, $7 per km for 30-49 km/h over, and a staggering $9.75 per km for 50 km/h or more over the speed limit. Remember, these speeding fines and penalties do not include court costs and fees.

The fines in community safety zones and construction zones with workers present are doubled.

Over speed limitFine amount
(per km/h)
0 – 20 km/h$3.00
20 – 30 km/h$4.50
30 – 50 km/h$7.00
50+ km/h$9.75
Speeding Demerit points

Demerit points calculated depend on km/h over the speed limit. The accumulation of demerit points can lead to licence suspensions and higher insurance rates.

Speed Over Limit


Demerit Points

0 – 15 km/h

0 points

16 – 29 km/h over the limit

3 points

30 – 49 km/h over the limit

4 points
30 Day Suspension for G1 and G2 drivers
100% Insurance increase

50 km/h over the limit

6 points
30 Day Suspension for G1 and G2 drivers
100% Insurance increase

Over 50 km/h

Stunt Driving
Speeding 50km/h+

6 points
7 day licence suspension
7 day vehicle impound
One year licence suspension
Maximum fine $10,000
Jail up to 6 months
100% Insurance increase

Speeding Tickets Affect Your Licence
  • speeding tickets can affect your insurance.
  • at 9 demerit points the Ministry of Transportation will require the driver to attend for an interview to see why the driver’s licence should not be suspended.
  • at 15 demerit points the driver receives a mandatory 30 day licence suspension
  • novice drivers are suspended for any accumulation of four or more demerit points
  • any suspension would increase insurance 100% Probationary Drivers – G1 & G2 Licence Holders

  • Speeding tickets affect your insurance,

  • any 4 point speeding ticket means a 30 day licence suspension,
  • subsequent suspensions for six (6) months,
  • probationary drivers are not allowed to accumulate 6 demerit points, and
  • Any suspension would increase insurance 100%.


How to Fight a Speeding Ticket?

Generally; For anyone hoping to lower their chances of receiving the maximum fines and demerit points in court, hire a skilled paralegal for tickets is usually the best course of action.

Keep the following points in mind:

  • -Every situation is unique. Therefore, you cannot base your defense and strategy that your friend's speeding attorney or paralegal employed to assist them When it comes to administrative work, the actual procedure is basically the same, but the real magic lies in applying the best strategy or approach for each unique circumstance.
  • -In most cases, a ticket option must be filed with the court within 15 days of the incident. In order to request a meeting with the prosecutor or a trial date
    -Many people assume that by attending the trial, their speeding ticket will automatically be dismissed, thereby reducing their demerit points. However, once a police officer arrives in court, prosecutors are required to proceed with the trial, and contesting a speeding ticket may have unfavorable consequences for your future driving record.
    -You should request or obtain the police officer's evidence that will be used in court to prove your guilt of speeding before your early meeting with the prosecutor. 
Step 1

File a traffic ticket with the appropriate court to set up a  Trial Date or meeting with a prosecutor to discuss a possible reduction of your speeding ticket to a lower reduced speed, resulting in fewer or no demerit points. Keep in mind that fighting a speeding ticket requires at least 2-3 court appearances, which for most people means taking time off from work. However, as previously stated, you can retain the services of a legal professional who can represent you in court.

Step 2

Show up at trial. Prepare to be questioned about every detail from the day you were caught speeding. Also, be prepared to ask the police officer questions about relevant facts about your speeding ticket that will allow you to draw conclusions proving that the events in your case may have been different than what the officer suggests.

Defences for Speeding

There are just two options for defending against an absolute liability offense like receiving a speeding ticket. However, be aware that each of these justifications must meet a very high standard of proof. They are as follows:

1. “A dark car was following me through a dark alley, and I felt like my life was in danger.”

2 – The only way to increase someone’s chances of survival was to break the law and move quickly, since you were the only one who could have potentially saved their life. You must have felt that since you were saving someone else’s life, violating the speed limit was far more important than actually breaking the law.

e only person who could have potentially saved a person’s life and there were no other alternatives but to break the law and speed to maximize their chances of survival. The importance of breaking the speeding law must have been far greater than the actual act of speeding because you helped to save another person’s life.
Hiring a lawyer to fight a speeding ticket, might be an investment that will be repaid a hundredfold in the future (both time and money).

dont be clishee

Remember, courts have heard it all: “I was speeding because I needed to use the restroom and had a sick stomach” or “I was assisting in driving a sick friend to the hospital.”

Pricing Plan

Our Pricing Plan

RioLaw fee is 

Free Case Review​


It never costs you anything to obtain a free consultation and personalized quote.

Hourly Rate


It is a good option for complicated Cases and Ticket where needs more cautions

Flat Rate (FIX FEE)

from $249 / and UP

pays a fixed price for a service, regardless of how long it takes for Ticket Case to be complete.


How to get out of a speeding ticket?

Don't go to court alone; hire a professional paralegal.

Working with an experienced speeding ticket paralegal is the best option for anyone. We know court procedures and laws related to speeding, so working with us will reduce your chances of receiving maximum fines and demerit points in court. We fight hard for the best possible outcome.


Tenancy lawyer paralegal landlord board

Landlord-Tenant Law in Ontario Overview

Landlord-Tenant Law in Ontario Overview

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is a Tenancy law in Ontario and it defines landlords and tenants are and sets rules around their rights and responsibilities, tenancy agreements, repairs and maintenance, eviction and tenancy termination, rent and utility costs, care homes, mobile home parks and land lease communities.

Landlord-Tenant Law in Ontario Overview
what a tenancy lawyer paralegal can advise about it?

The Residential Tenancies Act (RTA) is a law that defines who landlords and tenants are and sets rules around their rights and responsibilities, tenancy agreements, repairs and maintenance, eviction and tenancy termination, rent and utility costs

Rent Increase Limits

Rent Increase Limits

When it comes to rent increases, the amount and frequency must conform to rent increase guidelines. These guidelines apply to most tenants living in rented homes, condos, and apartments.

  • Exceptions do exist, however. In some instances, you can apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board for approval to raise the rent. Also, buildings built after November 15th, 2018 are exempt from these guidelines.
  • Generally speaking, though, landlords can carry out a rent increase once per year, and a landlord must give their tenants ninety days’ notice in writing.
  • and maximum of rent increase would be %2.5
Ontario Lease or Rental Agreements

Landlords, according to the Ontario Tenant Act, must use the standard lease template. It must be written in language that is easy to understand and include important information such as:

  • The amount of rent and when it is due.
  • A section on what the rent includes. For example, parking, heating, or air conditioning.
  • Important rules, for example: whether subletting, smoking in or altering the rental unit is allowed or not.
  • The rights and responsibilities of each party to the lease.
  • When and for what reason the landlord can seek to enter the tenant’s premises.
  • The amount of the rent deposit and the time within which the tenant must move in. 

The standard lease, however, doesn’t apply to certain homes: for instance, sites in land lease communities and mobile home parks, care homes, co-operative housing, and most social and supportive housing.

Eviction Rules

During an eviction, the landlord must follow the right process. For example, serving the tenant a written notice of termination as specified by the Landlord and Tenant Board. The form must state the reason for the eviction, such as non payment of rent.

And even so, the landlord must first get an order to terminate the lease from the Board.

If the landlord wants to use the rental unit for themselves, then they must give the tenant payment that is equal to one month’s rent. The landlord may also choose to offer an alternative unit.

Rent Withholding

Tenants aren’t permitted to withhold paying rent when repairs or renovations are needed. Rather, any reparation disputes with their landlords must be taken up with the Board.

Rent Withholding

according to landlord-Tenant law; Tenants aren’t permitted to withhold paying tenancy rent when repairs or renovations are needed. Rather, any reparation disputes with their landlords must be taken up with the Board. and taking an advise from tenancy lawyer or paralegal before that could help you win the case and save your money and time!

Jurisdiction of Small Claims (LTB Claims)

LTB has jurisdiction over all tenancy issues; however, as soon as tenancy terminates for some matters, you must go to other boards or tribunals, such as the small claim court. for example, when the tenant was vacant, abandoned the promisee, or after termination, the tenant owes you money yet. 

In small claims court, you can sue for money or the return of personal property valued at $35,000 or less, not including interest and costs.

Small claims court handle disputes involving the recovery or payment or money and personal property under $35,000. at RioLaw® lawyers and paralegals work with clients in the Greater Toronto Area, especially Richmond Hill, Vaughan, Markham, North York, Aurora, and Newmarket, to file and defend small claims actions related to property damage, money owed, breach of contract, and more. Just because small claims court might seem like a minor issue, it doesn’t mean that you should enter one unprepared. We will defend your interests, and we will make sure that you get a fair hearing.

To sue a person or business in small claims court, your lawsuit, called a claim, must fall into one of the two following categories:

1. Claims for money owed under an agreement, such as,

unpaid accounts for goods or services sold and delivered
unpaid loans
unpaid rent
NSF (non-sufficient funds) cheques

2. Claims for damages, such as,

property damage
clothes damaged by a dry cleaner
personal injuries
breach of contract

If you want to sue for more than $35,000, you will have to take your case to the Superior Court of Justice

also remember that 

  • The landlord has a limitation period of 2-years from the date of the incident to file a claim in Small Claims Court.

Book your consultation with one of our professionals today.


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Landlord-Tenant Law in Ontario Overview Read More »


notary public (notary) of the common law is a public officer constituted by law to serve the public in non-contentious matters usually concerned with general financial transactions, estates, deeds, powers-of-attorney, and foreign and international business. A notary’s main functions are to validate the signature of a person (for purposes of signing a document); administer oaths and affirmations; take affidavits and statutory declarations, including from witnesses; authenticate the execution of certain classes of documents; take acknowledgments (e.g., of deeds and other conveyances); provide notice of foreign drafts; provide exemplifications and notarial copies; and, to perform certain other official acts depending on the jurisdiction.[1] Such transactions are known as notarial acts, or more commonly, notarizations. The term notary public only refers to common-law notaries and should not be confused with civil-law notaries

With the exceptions of LouisianaPuerto RicoQuebec(whose private law is based on civil law), and British Columbia (whose notarial tradition stems from scrivener notary practice), a notary public in the rest of the United States and most of Canada has powers that are far more limited than those of civil-law or other common-law notaries, both of whom are qualified lawyers admitted to the bar: such notaries may be referred to as notaries-at-law or lawyer notaries. Therefore, at common law, notarial service is distinctly different from the practice of law, and giving legal advice and preparing legal instruments is forbidden to lay notaries such as those appointed throughout most of the United States. Despite these distinctions, lawyers in the United States may apply to become notaries, and this class of notary is allowed to provide legal advice, such as determining the type of act required (affidavit, acknowledgment, etc.).



Immigration & Refugee

Am I eligible to make a claim?​
Check it out!
red up Arrow rent lawyer


We'll find out best solution for you
Contact us for FREE consultation!

Seeking Asylum in Canada:
How to Apply and Secure Refugee Status

If you are fleeing persecution and need protection, you can apply for asylum in Canada. Successfully applying for asylum grants you refugee status and the legal right to stay in Canada. To be eligible, you must be physically present in Canada or at a Canadian port of entry when you apply for asylum.

Learn more about the asylum process in Canada and how to protect your rights.

Refugee Immigration Services

Refugee Claims and related processes could be so complicated. We provide personalized service and professional representation in refugee claims and protections.

We provide legal advice on aspects of the claim, including eligibility assessment, filing documents, interviews with officials, and appeals processes. Our knowledge and experience have a thorough understanding of regulations related to refugee claims. 

If you are interested in applying for refugee status, contact today. 

Are you seeking asylum in Canada and need expert legal support? Our dedicated refugee claim lawyers and legal reprehensive in Toronto specializes in helping individuals navigate the complex asylum process. With extensive experience and a deep understanding of Canadian immigration law, we offer personalized guidance to ensure your refugee claim is presented effectively. Secure the protection you need with confidence—contact us today for a consultation and let us advocate for your rights and future

Who is considered a refugee in Canada?

According to the Canadian Refugee Protection Program, a person who is forced to flee his or her home country and cannot return because of a well-founded fear of persecution based on race, religion, nationality, political opinion or membership in a particular social group is considered a refugee. Canada’s Refugee Protection Division determines whether an individual meets the definition of a refugee.

Convention Refugees

A convention refugee is someone who has proved to the Refugee Protection Division that they are unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin or country of previous residence because they have a well-founded fear of persecution based on:

Person in need of Protection

Someone who has proved to the Refugee Protection Division that they are unable or unwilling to return to their country of origin or country of previous residence because they would personally be subjected to danger, torture or a risk to their life or a risk of cruel and unusual punishment regardless of where they are in the country. This does not include risk that is a product of the country’s inability to provide adequate health or medical care.

Am I eligible to make a claim?

You cannot make a claim
Have had a prior claim that was determined to be ineligible, withdrawn or abandoned

A credit check, while important, is not always a definitive picture as to a tenant’s finances. Some may have a large balance on their cards that they are working to bring down, or a similar situation that impacts their score. My tenants have a terrible score but have never missed a payment. Some people just need help, don’t forget to be human. That’s the part too many of the slumlords in this group forget.

Have committed crimes

crimes including, but not limited to, war crimes, crime against humanity, serious crimes outside the country of refuge or other acts that are contrary to the principles of the United Nations

The Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA)

The Safe Third Country Agreement (STCA) is an agreement between Canada and the United States that mandates that those claiming refugee must claim it in the first country that they arrive in before crossing the border and claiming it in the second country. There are exceptions to this rule.

The first is if the person making the claim has a family member who is in Canada and is a citizen, permanent resident, holds a work or study permit or is over the age of 18 and has an active Refugee matter before the Immigration Refugee Board. The second exception is for unaccompanied minors, which include people that are under the age of 18 and are not accompanied by parents or guardian, spouse or common law partner and do not have parents or a guardian in Canada or the United States. The third exception is Document holder exceptions which include people who have valid Canadian visas, study or work permit, travel document issued by Canada or do not require a visa to enter Canada but require one to enter the United States. The last exception is for people who fall under the public interest exception. This category applies to people who have been convicted of a crime that holds the death penalty as a potential sentence. It is important to note that even if you meet any of these exceptions, you must prove that you are eligible for a refugee claim in Canada by meeting all the other requirements.



Whether you claim refugee as a convention refugee or a person in need of protection, you must provide the Refugee Protection Board with sufficient evidence and/or be credible in your testimony to prove your claim.

Overview of Refugee Claims before the Refugee Protection Division

Refugee Protection Division

Overview of Refugee Claims before the Refugee Protection Division​

The Refugee Protection Division is a tribunal branch of the Immigration and Refugee Board (IRB). The Refugee Protection Division hears matters from individuals claiming protected person status. Claims can be made at an IRCC or CBSA office in Canada or a Port of Entry, such as an airport or border. You may also make a claim from outside of Canada, but such claims are not processed by the Refugee Protection Division, they are processed by IRCC. Claims for refugee status are made under two categories: a convention refugee or a person in need of protection.

Refugee Claim Process: Ensuring Admissibility and Safety

The first step in your refugee claim is an intake assessment by a CBSA officer to determine your eligibility and ensure you are not inadmissible. You will need to complete a Basis of Claim (BOC) form, which carries the same weight as a statement made under oath. While you can make changes later, significant changes might raise concerns. You’ll also need to provide documents to verify your identity and support your claim. If you can’t provide this information, you’ll need to explain why and what efforts you made to obtain it.

Submitting Your Refugee Claim in Canada: Key Steps and Eligibility

If you make a refugee claim at a port of entry, you must submit the original Basis of Claim (BOC) form to the Refugee Protection Division within 15 days. For in-land claims, the BOC form must be given to the officer handling your claim. The officer has 3 days to decide if your claim is eligible for referral to the Refugee Protection Division. If no decision is made within 3 days, your claim is automatically considered eligible.

The CBSA officer may suspend the assessment if a report is made alleging inadmissibility concerns on grounds of security, violating human or international rights, serious criminality, organized criminality or the officer is waiting for the Court to make a decision on an offence the claimant has been charged with that carries a maximum sentence of 10 years or more. If the claim is found eligible, the claimant will be allowed to remain in Canada for the duration of the processing of the refugee claim.

Haring before the Refugee Protection Division

Upon claiming protected person status, the claimant must appear for a hearing and has the burden to establish that the claimant is a convention refugee or a person in need of protection (although it is possible that the Minister grants refugee status without a hearing before the Refugee Protection Division).

What happens after the Refugee Protection Division hears my claim?

After the hearing at the Refugee Protection Division, a claimant will be granted status as a protected person if the panel has found that the claimant is a convention refugee or a person in need of protection or be refused and then the conditional removal order will become effective within a designated time period unless an appeal is made to the Refugee Appeal Division and/or other steps under the law. If you are granted status as a protected person, you may apply for permanent residency. If your claim has been refused, you may appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division. It is important to note that if the Refugee Protection Division grants refugee status to an individual, the Minister retains the right to file an appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division if they believe the Refugee Protection Division erred in their decision.

If you have been granted permanent residence status, it is important to note that the Government may make an application to revoke your status as a refugee for any of number of reasons, including travelling back to the country of refuge, obtaining and using a passport from the country of refuge, re-establishing yourself in the country of refuge and/or the reasons for which the person sought refuge have ceased. Your refugee status may also be vacated if you have been found to have misrepresented when you made your claim. For more information on refugee cessation matters, we encourage you to contact a legal professional.

In all, the steps for a refugee claim are as follows


It is important to note that if you are not eligible to file an appeal to the Refugee Appeal Division, you may file an Application for Leave and Judicial Review to the Federal Court.

Refugee Read More »


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Notary_Authentication and Legalization

Notary Services

Authentication & Legalization

The procedures needed to make papers notarized in Canada valid for use outside of Canada include authentication and legalisation. This is the equivalent to apostille, which is not conducted in Canada.

 Riolaw Notary’s authentication and legalisation services for international documents. We offer you with all procedures – notarization, authentication and legalisation – rapidly and easily. – our experienced Authentication and Legalization Specialists can do it all for you!


To notarize your documents, arrange a meeting with one of our Authentication and Legalization Specialists. not within Canada? We can arrange to have your documents mailed to us, no problem.

Your documents get authenticated by the Authentication and Legalization Specialist at Official Document Services or Global Affairs Canada.

The Authentication and Legalization Specialist legalizes your documents at the embassy or consulate.

We return your documents to you in person or by mail after they have been notarized, authenticated, or legalised.


After a document is authenticated, Global Affairs Canada in Ottawa or Official Document Services in Toronto verifies the notary’s stamp and signature and issues a certificate of authenticity.

After document is legalized, the consulate or embassy of the country in which the document is to be used verifies the certificate of authenticity of Global Affairs Canada or Official Document Services.



in some cases, other laws and regulations must be applied in fact, some document needs some compliance with the law prior to Notarization

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Online Notary Services (NOT AVAILABLE NOW)

notarize your affidavits, statutory declarations and other documents fast, easily and securely 

The process for a remote online notary is easy. We are here to help you in all of the steps.

You just need to join an audio-video conference. then we will check your identification based on authentication method. Your Electronic Notary will be there to assist you if you run into any difficulties. 
One of the top online notaries public will be with you immediately after you schedule your online notary appointment 


in some cases, other laws and regulations must be applied
in fact, some document needs some compliance with the law prior to Notarization






List of Notary Services

Commissioners for taking affidavits (sometimes referred to as commissioners of oaths) take affidavits or declarations by asking you to swear or affirm that what is in a document is true.

In Ontario, they’re regulated under the Commissioners for taking Affidavits Act.

A Notary Public has all the powers of a commissioner for taking affidavits and, can verify that signatures, marks and copies of documents are true or genuine. Notaries are regulated under the Notaries Act . Every lawyer and paralegal in Ontario is also automatically a commissioner for taking affidavits. for more information click here

Affidavits, Oaths and Sworn Statements

we provide full service of any affidavit, oath, or sworn statement, including:

  • OSAP affidavits, including sole support
  • affidavit of ownership vehicle
  • Sworn Statements for Family Gift of a Used Vehicle in the Province of Ontario
  • Affidavits of ownership for pleasure craft, boats, snowmobiles and scooters
  • Affidavits for insurance claims
  • Affidavits of service, including Form 6B Affidavit of Service
  • Sworn Statements for Family Gift of a Used Vehicle in the Province of Ontario
  • Sworn statements for Ministry of Transportation Registration Identification Number and business vehicle registration in Ontario
  • Form 36 Affidavits of Divorce
  • OSAP affidavits, including sole support status, common law status and marital status
  • Affidavits of marital status, including separation and common law relationships
  • Consent to travel letters for children traveling abroad
  • Affidavits of single status
  • Affidavits of identity / one and the same person
  • Affidavits of name split
  • Form 74.8 Affidavit of Execution of Will or Codicil
Statutory Declaration
  • Statutory declarations confirming identity
  • Statutory declarations of marital status
  • Statutory declarations regarding ownership of property
  • Statutory declarations for professional accreditation and licensing
  • Statutory declarations regarding lost, stolen or damaged passports
  • Form PPTC 132 Statutory Declarations in Lieu of Guarantor for Passports
  • Statutory declarations for sex or gender designation on government documents for adults and children, including Statutory Declaration for Change of Sex Designation on a Birth Registration
  • Statutory declarations for Statements in Lieu of Certificate of Non-Impediment to Marriage Abroad
  • IMM5409E Statutory Declaration of Common Law Status
  • IMM 0006E Application for Authorization and Statutory Declaration (Extended Family Members)
  • IMM 0016E Application for Authorization and Statutory Declaration for the Parent of a Minor
Wills and Powers of Attorney

Wills and powers of attorney cannot be drafted by us.


  • Wills
  • Form 74.8 Affidavit of Execution of Will or Codicil
  • Powers of attorney for personal care
  • Continuing powers of attorney for property
  • International powers of attorney
Verifying Signatures and Identities
  • Security clearance verification and identification, including CPIC checks, employment background checks, and Hire Right forms
  • Certifying true likeness in photographs and identification documents
  • Life certificates, proof of life certificates and certificates of existence
  • Sale and purchase agreements for property and real estate in and outside Canada
  • Separation agreements
  • Custody agreements
  • Cohabitation agreements
  • Lease and rental agreements
  • Promissory notes
  • Contracts
  • Waivers and final releases
Professional Licensing and Registration Applications
  • Law Society of Ontario Lawyer Licensing Process Application
  • Law Society of Ontario Paralegal Licensing Process Application
  • Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons Applications for Certificate of Registration
  • Ontario College of Optometrists’ Applications for Certificates of Registration
  • College of Registered Psychotherapists of Ontario Registered Psychotherapist Application
  • College of Dental Hygienists of Ontario Application for Registration
  • National Dental Examination Board of Canada Certification Process Application
  • National Dental Examination Board of Canada Equivalency Process Application
  • Ontario College of Pharmacists Professional Registration Application
  • Medical Council of Canada Certified Identity Confirmation and Application
Ontario Court Forms
  • Form 6B Affidavit of Service
  • Form 14A Affidavit (General)
  • Form 23C Affidavit for Uncontested Trial
  • Form 26A Affidavit of Enforcement Expenses
  • Form 26B Affidavit for Filing Domestic Contract with Court
  • Form 36 Affidavit for Divorce
  • and all other court forms
Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada Forms

We can notarize IRCC forms and other immigration documents, including:

  • Letters of invitation
  • IMM5409E Statutory Declaration of Common Law Status
  • IMM 0006E Application for Authorization and Statutory Declaration (Extended Family Members)
  • IMM 0016E Application for Authorization and Statutory Declaration for the Parent of a Minor
  • IMM 5646 Custodian Declaration Form
  • Statutory declarations of identity
  • IRM 0005 Statutory Declaration to Reclaim an Indigenous Name on Canadian Citizenship Certificates or Permanent Resident Cards
  • Form PPTC 203E Declarations Concerning a Lost, Stolen, Inaccessible, Damaged or Found Canadian Travel Document
  • Form PPTC 132 Statutory Declarations in Lieu of Guarantor for Passports
Certified Copy of Original Document

certify true copies of any document, including:

  • Marriage certificates
  • Death certificates
  • Birth certificates
  • Drivers’ licences
  • Passports
  • University and college transcripts
  • Elementary and secondary school report cards
  • Degrees, diplomas and certificates
  • Utility bills
  • Bank records
  • Articles of incorporation
  • Corporate documents

in some cases, other laws and regulations must be applied
in fact, some document needs some compliance with the law prior to Notarization

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